What Is a Golf Chipper and How Can It Help Your Game?

If you’re looking to add a new club to your golf bag that can help improve your game, a golf chipper may be the perfect choice for you. A chipper is a type of club that is designed to help you get the ball out of difficult situations and onto the green. In this blog…

What Golf Shoes Does Rory McIlroy Wear?

What golf shoes does Rory McIlroy wear when he competes? This is a question that has been asked by many golf fans over the years. Some people think that he just wears whatever shoes are comfortable, but that’s not actually the case. In this article, we will take a look at the history of Rory…

How to Choose Golf Shoes Based on Foot Shape

Are you having trouble finding golf shoes that fit? Do your feet feel cramped and uncomfortable in traditional golf shoes? If so, you may need to start choosing golf shoes based on foot shape. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of feet shapes and how to choose golf shoes that will…

What Shoes to Wear Golfing If You Don’t Have Golf Shoes?

Golfing can be a fun and relaxing way to spend a day, but what do you do if you don’t have golf shoes? Many people wonder what shoes to wear golfing if they don’t have the proper footwear. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best options for those who find themselves…

How to Clean Ecco Golf Shoes: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about how to clean Ecco golf shoes. You put them on in the morning, play a round of golf, and take them off at the end of the day. Simple as that, right? Well, not so fast. There is more to it than that!…

Can Golf Shoes Go In The Washing Machine?

Golf shoes are an important part of your golf game. They need to be clean and fresh for every shot. But what do you do if they get dirty? Can they go in the washing machine? In this article, we go through the best ways to clean golf shoes. There is no definitive answer to…

How Many Putters Are Allowed in a Golf Bag?

How many putters are allowed in a golf bag at one time? This is a question that often comes up for golfers, and the answer may surprise you. In this blog post, we will discuss the rules regarding how many putters are allowed in a golf bag and what you can do if you have…

Can You Drink On A Golf Course?

Golf is a great sport for a number of reasons. It can be relaxing, it is a great stress reliever, and there is always a chance to win. However, the biggest benefit of golf is the social aspect of the game. In fact, you can even take advantage of this while playing golf by drinking…

Golf Pants Vs Dress Pants – What Is The Best Option?

The question you’ve always had about golf pants vs dress pants is… What is the best option? Do you want to go casual or business casual? What about casual vs dressy? Should you buy them all? Should you buy just one? These are just some of the questions you may have when making your decision….

Can You Use a Tee on the Fairway?

Can you use a tee on the fairway? This is a question that has been asked by golfers for years. The answer may surprise you! In this blog post, we will discuss the rules of golf and whether or not you can use a tee on the fairway. Can You Use a Tee on the…