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The increasing popularity and implementation of solar panels make it no surprise that many people ask if golf balls can damage the panels. This question is relevant to homeowners and businesses such as golf courses who might be considering implementing solar systems on their premises.
The answer to whether or not golf balls can damage solar panels is fairly simple: Yes, they can. However, it is important to understand that this damage will only occur under a very limited number of circumstances. For a golf ball to cause significant damage to solar panels, the panel must be extremely close to the point where the ball strikes, and something needs to be placed on top of them, which deflects the energy from the ball into the panels.
Solar Panel Material

Before we get into the specifics of how golf balls can damage solar panels, it is important to understand a little about what goes into making the panels. The most common type of panel is made out of crystalline silicon. This material has undergone a number of changes since its original development in 1954 by researchers at Bell Laboratories. However, one thing that has remained the same over the years is that it is very fragile and usually breaks into large shards when a golf ball strikes it.
Although these types of panels are relatively brittle, they are actually quite good at deflecting many types of energy that might otherwise cause damage to them. For instance, there have been countless incidents where birds have flown into solar panels, usually causing no damage at all.
Another factor that most people aren’t aware of is that a layer of glass mostly covers these panels. They also tend to be placed on top of a layer of plexiglass-like material, which is primarily used for safety purposes. This means that although the energy from a golf ball can penetrate through the panel, it is unlikely that it will hit something underneath which could be damaged.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Although crystalline silicon-based panels are very strong under most circumstances, there are some situations in which they break much more easily than you might expect. For instance, if one panel is resting atop of another and is struck by a golf ball directly above it, the energy could transfer through the first panel into the second one. This would cause much more serious damage to the second panel than if there were, say, twenty feet between them. In fact, this scenario is likely to cause serious problems even with as little as six inches between panels.
Another factor that can affect the likelihood of damage is the presence of dirt or debris on top of the panels. If there is a substantial amount, it could cause some of the energy to be deflected away from them. However, if this layer were only an inch thick, then it would have dramatically less effect. This means that even if your panels are in fairly good shape, it might be worth investing in some cleaning products to keep them that way.
Although a thin layer of dirt or debris on top of your solar panels isn’t very likely to cause problems, there is one factor that makes the situation much worse. That factor is the presence of a roof or some other type of obstruction above the panels. Even if a thin layer of debris is covering the panels, they can significantly deflect energy if there’s a roof directly above them.
The Worst-Case Scenario
If you take all of this information and apply it to the worst-case scenario, it might seem like golf balls are likely to cause problems for your solar panels. However, the reality is that they have a much more difficult time causing damage than you might think. For instance, if your panels are mounted closer than ten feet to where your golfball ricochets off of something and comes back down again, it would be virtually impossible for them to cause any damage. This means that this type of scenario typically only happens in extremely rural areas, and even then, it is quite rare.
One of the most likely scenarios under which golf balls could damage your panels is if there are two layers of panels close together. This would make a lot of sense at a place like a resort where they need to invest in as much energy as possible to turn a profit. However, in most residential areas, this is unlikely to be a problem.
In all likelihood, you needn’t worry about your panels being significantly damaged by golf balls unless they are adjacent to one another and completely unprotected. Even then, it would take an unusually fast and well-aimed golf ball to cause any serious problems.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are things I need to check if solar panels are sturdy enough to withstand being hit by golf balls?
The golf ball can damage silicon-based solar cells upon impact, so it is essential to cover panels if you have a lot of golfers on your property or nearby.
How strongly can a solar panel withstand impacts from objects like golf balls?
Golf ball damage only affects the outer layer of a solar cell, so even though they do make dents, it does not hurt the integrity of the system as much as other mediums like trees and branches.
Solar panels are strong to withstand impacts from things like golf balls. In fact, it is recommended that you cover your panels when they are located in areas with a lot of foot traffic or near golf courses, as these types of places have a high risk of damage from ball impact.
How resistant are solar panels to an impact from something like a golf ball?
The panels are stronger than they appear, but if you have small children or pets in the area, it is recommended that you cover your solar panels to be on the safe side.
Will a golf ball damage a metal frame?
A metal frame would definitely hold up better than one made of plastic; however, if you can’t modify the frame you are using, try to use a thicker frame.
The panels are strong enough to withstand an impact by something like a golf ball; however, if there is significant damage and the panel will no longer be able to produce energy for your home, there are quick fixes you can have done in order to restore it back as close as possible.
What is the best thing to do when a golf ball hits solar panels?
If this happens, check how much damage has been done and make sure that it will not affect the energy output for your home or business. Then, depending on how strong your frame is, you can either move the panel out of play or consider reinforcing its structure in some fashion.
Can Golf Balls Damage Solar Panels – Final words
If you are still worried that a golf ball will damage your panels, remember that they are strong enough to withstand the impact of not one but hundreds of balls before needing any repair work done. The main factor at play here is not how sturdy your panels are but how much exposure and wear they have experienced prior to the impact.
If your panels do happen to be hit by a golf ball, you don’t need to fret if it’s not a direct hit that puts a dent in the whole panel. Chances are, this will only affect the outer layer of the cell, which can be replaced at minimal cost and effort.
When working with solar energy, there are many things to consider. If you live in an area with a lot of foot traffic, it is highly recommended that you cover your panels. This will protect them and the people who might accidentally bump into them while on their way to the next hole.