
Does Cold Weather Affect Golf Ball Distance

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Golf is a game of precision and accuracy, but the weather does affect how far your ball will go. While playing golf in the winter does not necessarily pose a threat to any of your equipment, it can affect how far you hit your ball. The colder it is outside, the less distance you’ll get…

Shоuld I Gеt Sрikеd Or Spikeless Golf Shoes?

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Grant Knudѕоn, hеаd оf footwear and ассеѕѕоriеѕ аt Pumа Gоlf, weighs in оn the ѕрikеd vs. ѕрikеlеѕѕ debate. He ѕuggеѕtѕ thаt wе’rе moving tоwаrd a 50/50 split bеtwееn thе twо. Kеith Duffу, ѕеniоr product mаnаgеr at FооtJоу, ѕuggеѕtѕ thаt рlауеrѕ еxреrimеnt with ѕрikеd аnd spikeless tо dеtеrminе personal рrеfеrеnсе.  Aѕ ѕрikеlеѕѕ gоlf ѕhоеѕ hаvе imрrоvеd,…

What Is The Closed Coil Golf Swing for Seniors?

What is the closed coil golf swing for seniors, and how does it differ from the regular coil gold swing? We discuss everything you need to know and how to use it to improve your game.

What Shoes To Wear With Golf Pants?

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Knowing how to swing and play 18-holes isn’t the only part of the game. Many golfers love to style themselves on the course to look good in the process. As a beginner, it’s best to know the basics before you venture off to flashy fashion choices.  If you’re looking to take up golf, you’ll need…

How To Make Golf Bag Tubes

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Golf bags will vary in shapes and sizes; however, not all of them fit your needs. Your golf clubs can easily incur dents and chips from having your clubs rattle around. If you’re working with an old golf bag, you may not have any dividers or tubes to separate each individual golf club from your…

How To Clean Electric Golf Trolley?

How To Clean Electric Golf Trolley? If you have a golf trolley that needs a bit of a tidy up, here are some tips on how to clean up the wheels, the bodywork and how to keep it in tip top condition!

How Does An Electric Golf Trolley Work?

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Many elements make up a golf course. And one essential item to have during golfing is an electric trolley. It allows you to play golf without tiring yourself out by walking long distances and carrying heavy clubs. To drive an electric golf trolley, you must know how it works. This will allow you to manage…

How To Keep Golf Gloves Fresh

How to keep golf gloves fresh? Here is an easy way to keep your golf gloves fresh and how to make them last longer.

How Long Do Golf Irons Last?

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A golf iron is a very important club in the golfer’s bag. It can be used from when the ball is on ground level until when it reaches high up in the air. This might make you wonder how long do golf irons last before they need to be replaced, but with proper maintenance and…

How Much Does A Custom Set Of Golf Clubs Cost?

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If you’re like many golfers, your first clubs were likely a battered set of hand-me-downs given to you by family or friends. While they may have served a purpose and helped introduce golf to you, they aren’t ideal. Random clubs you find off-the-rack or handed down to you are not customized to your golf swing…