What Wedges Should A Beginner Carry?

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A wedge can be a great addition to your golf game. It offers you more control and versatility. However, what wedges should a beginner carry?

There are so many options available that it can be difficult to know where to start!

In this blog post, we will go through some of the best wedges for beginners and help you find one that is perfect for you.

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What are wedges

A wedge is a club that has more loft than iron and less bounce. They are designed to help you hit the ball up in the air, or perform a controlled shot from off the ground upwards of 90 degrees around sand traps and bunkers. There are usually two wedges: one with 60-degrees (called “short”) and another with 54-degrees (called “mid”).

Wedges can be used on any type of surface including hard or soft fairways, roughs, woods, tee boxes, etcetera!

Types of wedges

Now you know what wedges are, but what are the different types of wedges?


Pitching wedge

A pitching wedge typically has a loft of 46 – 48 degrees and is the most versatile of all wedges. It can be used for shaping shots from off the ground, but it also performs well as a short iron on hard surfaces and helps to hit long approach shots with a good roll.

Gap Wedge

Next up is the gap wedge this club has a loft of 50-degrees. This club is used when you want to hit an approach shot from the green and need it to fly higher than what a pitching wedge would do because, with its high loft, this club will produce more spin on the ball which causes the ball to flight to be higher.

Lob Wedge

The lob wedge can have up to 60-degrees in the loft and is usually one inch longer than pitching wedges or gap wedges. This club should only be used for shots that are really close as there’s not much difference between how far this club flies compared to other clubs such as pitching wedges so they’re better off being closer.

Sand Wedge

A sand wedge typically has a loft between 54 and 58 degrees. This club is used for shots from bunkers or deep rough on the course. The sand wedge can be used when you want to hit a shot that will fly as far into the green and not go over which means this club should only be used in certain situations such as if you’re going to lay up out of the heavy rough, bunker, etc.

When to use a wedge

Now you know what types of wedges to carry around the course. But what are some situations to use these clubs?

Pitching Wedge

This club is used when you want to hit a shot that will fly short and land near where it first landed such as getting out of deep rough, or if you’re down in tight quarters on the green but don’t need to get very close.

Sand Wedges

These clubs can be good for shots from bunkers or long grass off the tee box so you don’t go too far into the bunker. They can also help with those tough chip shots by giving them more loft which allows them not to bounce back as much out of thick rough.

Gap Wedges

This club should only be used for very short distances where you need a little more power to get the ball over an obstacle.

Lob Wedge

This club can be used for shots that you want to play very high and land soft like getting out of bunkers, teeing up wet greens, or approaching from down in the trees.

60 Degree Wedge

The best use for this wedge is when there’s no other option but to hit it short because you don’t have enough room on either side of your golf balls such as off tree limbs or sand traps. It also comes into handy if you’re shooting for one pin atop another where only hitting a shot about 50 yards will do.

How to choose a wedge for beginners

Picking the perfect wedge for a beginner can be a bit of a challenge. Here are the three important factors to consider when purchasing wedges for your game:

  • Amount of loft on the wedge you want to use
  • The shape and weight distribution of the head can vary depending on what type or style club is being used, such as an offset blade design that directs more weight in front versus behind
  • Which materials will best suit your needs; steel faces offer greater spin control but don’t hold their sharpness as long while titanium has less friction so shots come off easier with no loss in distance – though they do lose some durability over time.

What 3 wedges should I carry?

If you’re limited for club space the three wedges you should carry are:

  1. A lob wedge, which is a club that’s designed to play shots from just beyond the green
  2. A sand wedge for when you’re in a bunker or on an uneven lie and need more loft
  3. A pitching wedge for when you’re on the fairway and need to hit a long-distance shot

What wedges should a high handicapper carry?

If you’re a high handicapper, you should carry a lob wedge, sand wedge, and pitching wedge these are typically all you will need to get you out of trouble.

What wedges should I carry if, for example, my course has lots of water hazards?

If you’re playing a golf course with lots of water hazards like lakes or creeks then it’s best to have both a lob wedge and pitching wedge in your bag.

This way when the ball lands near any body of water you’ll be prepared to play it out from there using different clubs depending on what lies ahead and how far away the greens are.

What are the easiest wedges to hit?

If you’re new to using wedges then the easiest wedge to start practicing is the pitching wedge which is the easiest to hit and provides a good variety of distances.

The pitching wedge has many different shots you can play with it like lobs, draws, pitches, or bump-and-runs so mastering this club will help your game immensely.

The best way to care for your wedges and keep them in good condition

Looking after your clubs is one of the most important things you can do to make sure they last and stay in good condition.

There are many ways that you can care for your clubs such as by keeping them clean from dirt, sand, mud, or anything else on it if possible.

The easiest way to keep your clubs clean is to rinse them off with water and then rub a towel or club brush over the surface of it.

What brands make great wedges?

If you’re looking for a new wedge to add to your set, there are many brands that make excellent wedges.

Some of these include Callaway, Nike Golf, and Cleveland. All of these brands offer wedges in a range of different lofts, materials, and shapes.

What Wedges Should A Beginner Carry – Conclusion

That concludes our guide on what wedges should a beginner carry.

Hopefully, this guide was helpful in answering some of your questions and will help you find the perfect wedge to fit within what wedges should a beginner carry.